Capture With A Killer Lead Magnet, Then Build Trust and Relationships Through Email…Getting Ready To Run Facebook Lead Ads!

Happy Saturday,

Another week flies by!

These past few weeks were met with challenges, but no matter what life throws at me I refuse to give up on my dreams.

I have finally figured out a way to balance the new 9 to 6, my affiliate and publishing businesses, prepare healthy meals, and get in some daily exercise.  With a little time management, allocating at least an hour a day or in reality for me 2 hours on Thursday through Sunday. Monday and Wednesday, I am just too tired after early morning class and work to get anything done. I find myself in bed by 9:30 :).  

There is no right or wrong here, do whatever works to be taking steps forward consistently.

Despite the setbacks and my need to realign my mindset, I am back on track. I am excited to be exploring and slowly getting things set up to run Facebook Lead Ads. And my books are in a good place, even though my funnels are temporarily on hold while I get all these technical difficulties solved.

If you are following along, I am partaking in a 6 week Facebook Lead Ads Bootcamp with one of my mentors, Sophie. Over the past 4 weeks we:

Week (1) Set up a Facebook Business Account to run ads 

Week (2) Created A Lead Magnet 

Week (3) Created A Welcome Email Sequence of 5-7 emails 

Week (4)  Went through the logistics of setting up a Facebook Lead Ad and learned how to connect it to Affiliate Systems so that the leads added would immediately get their lead magnet and be entered into your email list.

Regardless of which provider you are using to send your emails, you will need to set up a way for the leads that are collected by Facebook to receive the lead magnet they opted in for immediately.

I have done this with Aweber and ClickFunnels in the past using Zapier, and Sophie recommends using Maker, but Affiliate Systems has this capability built-in, eliminating the need for a third party like Zapier or Maker.

Don’t worry when I get to this step I will record it so you can see the differences in the setup for Aweber, ClickFunnels using Zapier and Affiliate Systems!

Sign up for my newsletter by clicking here; so you don’t miss a thing, and when you sign up you will get two FREE video training from my Mentor, Dean Holland, that you definitely won’t want to miss!

I will admit I was feeling really behind these past few weeks, but you know what?  Instead of feeling like I need to rush to catch up I am taking my time figuring out the best lead magnet and tweaking my emails so that if I were the reader, I would be smiling and intrigued, and they would bring excitement or relief, helping me along my journey.

There is no need to rush the process.

So, this week, I focused on two things: 

  1. Creating a Lead Magnet AND making sure it is easy to consume, engaging, and gives good advice that solves a pain point that my target market has.
  2. Creating a Welcome Email Sequence  

Creating a welcome email sequence is the most critical part of converting leads into sales, so I expect to work on this for at least another week and then a lifetime (lol). 

My first draft was submitted for review, and now it’s time to implement Sophie’s feedback.

Sophie offered to help me really make these emails my own and tell my story so that the reader can really get to know me and my journey and show them how I can help them. I am super excited about this and cannot wait to get more feedback.

I have learned so much from the Friday Q&A sessions. The feedback on my submissions has really allowed me to keep iterating and improving.

When developing a lead magnet, I originally created one that was all about video content creation. However, Sophie pointed out that this lead magnets might not attract the right type of lead. Instead of getting people interested in starting their affiliate marketing journey, I might get leads looking to learn more about content creation.

Knowing that my target market is people who want to learn how to make money online using affiliate marketing, I needed to change up my lead magnet.

But I am happy to share it with you. Click here if you would like to check it out! 

When someone finds your lead magnet intriguing and joins your list, it creates a moment that is ripe with potential, this is your first impression. Your emails can convert this initial interest into a lasting relationship. That is why emails are so important. Because to build a true affiliate marketing business you have to build a relationship of trust, and this is done mainly through your emails and the offers your make.

If you want to see the breakdown of a typical email, then check out my 4/20 blog post: The Art of the Follow-Up. It is all about email sequences and provides tips on how to create your “welcome email sequence.”

Crafting an effective welcome email sequence is about striking the right balance between warmth, personalization, and value. With the right approach and tools, you can turn those initial interactions into the foundation of a strong, lasting relationship with your subscribers.

Are you coming along and jumping into the world of Facebook Lead Ads? Are you catering to your very own lead magnet? Are you working on your email sequences? Comment and share below I would love to know where you are at in your journey.

If you need any help or have any questions, just click here and join my newsletter; you can always hit reply and email me any questions you have along your journey.

Let’s ride from rookie to riches together!

To our success,

Alison Blaire



28 Responses

  1. Alison,
    I always enjoy your posts. It seems your life is finally starting to get back to some semblance of order. Don’t worry about being or feeling behind. I think I take first prize in that category as I am waaaay behind on my Blog posts as I got overwhelmed on the week 5 video tutorials and it took me a long time to get through them. Pus life distracted me. I get inspiration from your posts. They are so good. I love how you are focused on how the reader views your emails. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Hi Jordan, I am glad you get inspiration from my posts. Life happens, and we should be living it! A friend recently said you’re not behind. You are the boss what you need to do is reset your deadlines so that you are ahead. So, going forward, I am setting smaller goals that I can actually achieve with my new 50-hour workweek. Even though someone may be ahead of where I am, setting realistic goals that are achievable each week will make it a lot easier to succeed and keep going!

  2. Alison, I am happy to read that you’re learning how to successfully manage all of your responsibilities while launching and growing your online business. I know that’s not easy, but the vulnerability you’re showing by sharing your story through these challenges is very inspiring. I understand and I can relate to feeling behind, I think perhaps that’s just the name of the game. There’s so much to do and sometimes it can feel like a full-time job keeping up with it all. But just like you said… I think the beauty of this online journey is more about consistently moving forward and less about the speed to which you do it. Keep on going!!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement! It’s reassuring to hear that others can relate to the feeling of juggling multiple responsibilities and sometimes feeling behind. You’re absolutely right—it truly is about the consistency and continuous progress, rather than the speed. I’m grateful for the support and will definitely keep pushing forward. Your comment means a lot and helps reinforce the importance of perseverance and dedication. Let’s keep moving forward together!

  3. Hi Alison,
    It looks like you haven’t led up with your busy activities, but I’m so glad you seem like you have it more together this week. I know how it can get sometimes.. I looked at your lead magnet, and it looks great! I’m trying to brainstorm on what I want to offer my audience. Still working on that. It sounds like you know what your doing with setting up your emails. I just starred that and each day it gets clearer and clearer to what to put in them. Thank you for all this great and helpful information. Keep up the good work and don’t get too stressed out ..
    Meredith Moore recently posted…Unveiling the Power of Profitable Niches: Why Choosing the Right Niche is Essential for Affiliate SuccessMy Profile

    1. Hi Meredith,

      Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment! I’m glad to hear that you found the information helpful and that you’re making progress with your own email setup. It definitely takes time, but it’s great that things are becoming clearer for you each day. Brainstorming a lead magnet can be challenging, but I’m sure you’ll come up with something valuable for your audience. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need any ideas or feedback. We’re all on this journey together, and it’s wonderful to have such supportive encouragement along the way.

  4. Happy and blessed Sunday, Alison!

    Reading your post today was like a breath of fresh air. Your dedication to balancing life’s many demands, from your new 9 to 6, to managing affiliate and publishing businesses, and still making time for health and family, is genuinely inspiring. It’s a real reminder that we all sometimes feel we’re behind, but realistically, we’re only competing against ourselves. The progress you’re making, especially with your Facebook Lead Ads bootcamp and refining your lead magnets and email sequences, is exciting!

    I appreciate your focus on taking the time to get things right rather than rushing through the process. It’s a strategy I find myself aligning with more and more in my own journey. The idea of tweaking and iterating based on feedback ensures not just growth but learning that’s deep and impactful. Your approach to creating engaging, problem-solving content for your target audience is something I aim to implement as well.

    Keep up the great work, and remember, every small step is a leap towards where you want to be. I’m looking forward to hearing more about how your projects evolve and celebrating your successes along the way!

    1. Balancing all these aspects of life can indeed be challenging, but knowing we’re not alone in this makes it a bit easier. Thank you for your support and kind words, Steve. Let’s continue to celebrate every small step forward together!

    1. I appreciate your kind words. When you are ready for Facebook Lead Ads, I am always here to help. Sophie also has recordings on her YouTube channel, and she has started a membership program. I believe it’s 7/month, and she has a live coffee hour, so you can ask questions!

  5. Alison, I am happy you are balancing the juggling act by being kinder to yourself! That in essence will propel all of us forward in this Affiliate Marketing “game.” If every time we look in the mirror and downgrade ourselves, nothing will be easy. I wrote on my mirror with lipstick “I am enough!” Those 3 simple words are a protective shield against all the nay sayers who inevitably will test us.
    Kate Loving Shenk recently posted…13 Timeless Principles For Embracing The Magic Of NOWMy Profile

    1. Yes, I love that. I have a lot of positive mantras right now on sticky notes all over the house as a reminder that I am a badass and taking control of my future, and I can do anything! Empowering ourselves and having confidence in our abilities to learn, grow, and adapt is important. Mindset is everything, and yes, “I am enough” is a great one that is simple and definitely helps block out the people around telling me I am wasting my time.

  6. Alison you are a VERY busy lady! Please remember to sleep in all of this. You need to show kindness to yourself. You’ve started a new job and added to your learning with Sophie’s course. You are doing a fantastic job and you’re right, you need to enjoy the process and slow down. There isn’t a race, so please take a minute to breath!
    You are learning SO much, you have built so much and it’s clearly showing.
    Well done, you have achieved A LOT! Good luck with your learning this week, I’m looking forward to hearing about it on your next blog post.

    1. Sarah your reminder to be kind to myself and take it slow truly means a lot. It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of everything, but you’re absolutely right—taking time to breathe and enjoy the process is essential. I also closed on a house this week, I forgot to put that in my blog, and our tenants on the other house are in the process of eviction due to not paying rent. I am juggling a lot and still moving forward, although I try to celebrate all the week. wins on Friday, maybe I need to celebrate more!!!! Thanks for your support it means the world!

  7. Alison,
    I always learn something from your posts and this post is no different. I am not ready for Facebook lead ads but I still need to do the same and 1). create a lead magnet, and 2). create a welcome email sequence. I am currently working on my email sequence and I appreciate your tips.
    Sherri Pulcino recently posted…Blog HoppingMy Profile

    1. Sherri, if you need any help, please feel free to reach out. Happy to look it over, even if it’s just a last look for typos. I have learned the hard way to always have someone give them a glance.

  8. Alison, I love your posts and it always contains valuable information to anyone that reads them. I also am impressed with your lead magnet creation. The hardest thing I have found to do is balance my 2 jobs, family, Online business and common work around the house. It’s almost impossible for me to schedule a specific time for each when it seems they are always changing. You are indeed an inspiration to us all!
    David Roper recently posted…Monthly Review ResultsMy Profile

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words and support! I’m truly delighted to hear that you find my posts valuable and that you’re impressed with the lead magnet creation. It’s a rewarding feeling to know that my journey and experiences resonate with others.

      Although it oftentimes feels like a juggling act where everything is constantly shifting. Flexibility is really the answer. When you cannot set a specific time just notice when the time arises, this could be when I put the chicken in the oven and I have 20 minutes until dinner is ready, or waking up 30 minutes earlier than needed to get my blog post comments done :). Find time when you can and squeeze it in.

      Your dedication to managing everything, despite the challenges, is incredibly inspiring as well. It’s reassuring to know we’re not alone in these struggles, and sharing our experiences can make a big difference. Thank you once again for your lovely comment, and keep up the amazing work you’re doing! We’re all in this together.

  9. a whole lot of helpful information in this blog post, what stands out to me most is the tip that the lead magnet needs to be directed specifically at your target audience for the thing you’re really trying to interest them in. It could be interesting, it could be valuable, and your target audience may be interested in it, but if it’s also attractive to a bunch of people who aren’t in your target audience it won’t be as effective as possible.

    1. Nathan, this feedback from Sophie really was eye-opening for me as well. Although the lead magnet on video creation was pretty solid, and what I have been working on recently, it is not going to attract the right audience for my sales system. So much thought and planning really needs to go into it, and I am so grateful to have the help of experienced coaches to guide me.

  10. Many years ago my kids had toys called “Weebles” the motto of the toy was “Weebles wobble but they don’t fall down”… You are a weeble, you had a wobble last week, but here you are back as strong as ever… Well done.

    Alison, your progress and insights are genuinely inspiring! I’m amazed at how you manage to balance so much and still push forward with your business strategies. Your detailed breakdown of setting up Facebook Lead Ads and integrating them with email sequences offers a lot of clarity. I am looking forward to seeing your upcoming steps and learning more from your journey!

    1. Balancing everything can indeed be challenging, but it’s comments like yours that remind me why persistence and resilience are so important. I’m thrilled to hear that you found my breakdown of setting up Facebook Lead Ads and email sequences helpful. I’m looking forward to sharing more of my journey as I continue to learn and grow.I love that “weebles wobble but they don’t fall down.” That is quite an inspiring message, and it is true!!! I will never give up my dreams are too important! Thank you again for your support and encouragement. It means a lot to have such a supportive community. Here’s to all of us wobbling but not falling down!

    1. That one is actually going to be put on the backburner. Sophie’s feedback was that it targets people more interested in video creation, and I should create something that is targeted more for people starting out their affiliate marketing journey. I think I am all finished with this new lead magnet, I am going to submit it to Sophie one more time for review, but I am moving on to start finalizing my email sequence!!!

  11. Hey Friend – You are one of the busiest people I know and I need to take some lessons from you in proper time management! How do you get it all done? I’m in the same trenches as you are as I am also working on Facebook lead ads, a lead magnet as well as trying to develop an email sequence. After I get those tasks completed, I think I can begin to work on an email workflow. Seems like a lot to do but I believe, as promised, once we get this set up all we really need to do is tweak our email sequence and hopefully it runs on autopilot. Have a great rest of the week and take care!
    Ernie recently posted…Jeans And A T-ShirtMy Profile

    1. Time management is definitely a challenge, but I’ve found that staying organized and setting clear priorities really helps. It sounds like you’re doing an amazing job juggling all those important tasks as well.

      It’s encouraging to know that we’re both in the same trenches, working on Facebook lead ads, lead magnets, and email sequences. I completely agree—it feels like a lot right now, but the promise of having everything run smoothly on autopilot is such a motivating factor. Setting everything up takes a lot of work, but after it is running, we will just we adding on and tweaking, this will require less time and we will have so much practice it will be easier.

      Let’s keep pushing forward together and remember to celebrate each small victory along the way. Wishing you a productive and balanced week ahead! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need any tips or just want to share progress.

  12. Alison, It’s great to see your perseverance and dedication to balancing all your responsibilities while chasing your dreams. Your time management strategy sounds effective, and it’s encouraging to hear you’re not letting setbacks derail you. The detailed steps you’ve shared for setting up Facebook Lead Ads are very insightful. Sophie’s guidance is invaluable, especially with refining your lead magnet and email sequence to truly engage your audience. It’s impressive how you’re focusing on quality and connection in your emails. Keep up the fantastic work, and thanks for sharing your journey with such transparency and positivity. Here’s to continued success on your path from rookie to riches! Atif

  13. Wow Alison, you have so much going on, I don’t know how you do it, but AWESOME job!
    I’m just now working on my Facebook lead ad. I have the ad set up but am working on the welcome emails.
    I get torn on how much to share on each email. What’s a good word count to keep in mind for welcome emails?
    I appreciate you sharing what you learn in your 6 week training, it helps me with my own FB ad.
    Keep on going Alison, you’re like the wonder woman of online biz and life 🙂
    Denny Medeiros recently posted…Change Isn’t Change Until You ChangeMy Profile

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