Embracing Change: Navigating Friendships and Personal Growth

Happy Saturday!

Yesterday was a day that shook me to my core. It started like any other day—filled with aspirations, ambitions, and the usual juggling act of balancing work and personal life. Little did I expect that a conversation with my best friend would lead to a profound realization about life, friendships, and the sacrifices we make along the way.

Have you ever had someone you considered family tell you they no longer want to be a part of your life? Someone who has been by your side through thick and thin, sharing in your triumphs and tribulations? For over a decade, my best friend and I have woven our lives together, supporting each other through milestones, setbacks, and everything in between. We’ve cheered each other on as we pursued our dreams, celebrated victories, and lent a shoulder during moments of despair.

During a recent conversation, she expressed that she was upset that I hadn’t been my old self, going out for dinners, shows, outings, and spontaneous hangouts. She pointed out that my relentless focus on work had eclipsed the carefree moments. In her eyes, my relentless pursuit of professional success came at the cost of our friendship.

Her words hit me like a tidal wave of emotions. I couldn’t deny that in my quest to build a better future for myself, I had unintentionally sidelined the joys of camaraderie and leisure. The past few months had been a whirlwind—I started a new job that requires me to be there 50 hours a week. On top of that, I am juggling multiple businesses, navigating the intricate world of affiliate marketing, publishing in health and wellness, and tending to an unfortunate turn of events with my rental properties.

I have committed to spending at least an hour a day on my business, so that is 3 additional hours a day at minimum that needs to go to these three areas. So yes, I admit I have been saying no more often to fun things, and all my spare money has been going into these ventures, so I haven’t been able to go to the spa, or go shopping, or go to a concert or out to a fancy dinner like I use to.

Yet, amidst the tears and heartache that followed her revelation, I realized a profound truth: the path to personal growth can sometimes be a solitary one. It requires tough decisions, unwavering dedication, and the courage to prioritize one’s ambitions over immediate gratifications. While I cherished our friendship deeply, I also acknowledged that my journey toward self-improvement and professional fulfillment couldn’t be compromised.

It’s easy to feel guilty for prioritizing work over play, for saying no to dinners and outings in favor of burning the midnight oil on business strategies. But self-improvement is not a selfish act—it’s an investment in one’s future, a commitment to realizing dreams that transcend the present moment.

My decisions are driven not by a disregard for friendships but by a fervent desire to make my dream life a reality.

As I reflect on this pivotal moment, I recognize that growth often entails difficult choices. It’s about embracing discomfort, navigating through uncertainties, and staying true to the path that aligns with our aspirations. While the loss of a cherished friendship is undoubtedly painful, I am reminded that true companionship transcends proximity and frequency of social interactions. It’s rooted in mutual understanding, unwavering support, and a shared commitment to personal evolution.

So, as I embark on the next chapter of my journey—steadfast in my pursuit of entrepreneurial success and personal fulfillment—I carry with me the lessons learned from this experience. I’ve come to understand that friendships, like all relationships, evolve over time. They ebb and flow with the rhythms of life, sometimes diverging as individuals pursue divergent paths. And while goodbyes are never easy, they pave the way for new beginnings and unforeseen opportunities.

Has this ever happened to you? Have you embraced your journey wholeheartedly, causing others to complain that you are not giving them the time and attention they would like?

The lesson here is that I have to make peace with the sacrifices I am making. 

If I give up I will never make my dream life a reality. If I give up all hope of a different future disappears. I have dedicated myself to 2024 following Dean’s proven path, there are 5 months left of the year and I am not ready to throw in the towel. I am a women of my word, and I am dedicated to putting in the work and making my dream life a reality. 

My advice is to surround yourself with individuals who uplift and inspire you, who celebrate your victories and understand your journey. And remember, in the pursuit of greatness, sometimes the greatest friendships are those that teach us invaluable lessons about resilience, self-discovery, and the boundless potential within us.

As for me, I continue to forge ahead—mindful of the past, hopeful for the future, and steadfast in my commitment to crafting a life that’s authentically mine.

Are you with me on this path to success? If so, then comment below “Committed.”

Let’s ride from rookie to riches together!

To our success,

Alison Blaire





14 Responses

  1. Wow that is a blow but also a realization of what our solo entrepreneurial journey entails. Saying no is what we must do. I’ve added another task to my plate and that is, doing author interviews for New World Library. I did two last week, and entailed reading the books and formulating clarity on their message. Good for my brain. Intellectually stimulating. But takes more time. “Time” is another subject. When we go into the zone, everything is possible.

    I think your friend may make a comeback. Yet as all the successful people say, your experience is not a rarity. As we surround ourselves with successful people, we also succeed in noticeable ways. Think of Dean- he’s said on numerous occasions how he holes up in his office and doesn’t see another human being, except our weekly gatherings with him.

    I think that is the rule rather than the exception.
    Kate Loving Shenk recently posted…The Art of Doing Nothing: A Mindful ApproachMy Profile

    1. Yes, it is true; managing time and setting priorities are crucial, and saying no is sometimes necessary. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and insights!

      It’s great to hear that you’re branching into author interviews! I have several books in the senior health and wellness space, as this is a topic near and dear to me and I love that you are sharing your wisdom to this niche. If you want to collaborate let me know, here is my author profile on amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Alison-Blaire/author/B0CPMDG4BN?ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true

      Look forward to collaborating, learning and growing from each other!

  2. Hi Alison,

    Your post truly reflects the reality of pursuing big dreams. Balancing personal growth with maintaining relationships can be challenging, and your experience illustrates the tough decisions we sometimes have to face.

    Your commitment to your goals shows how dedication often comes with sacrifice. I appreciate your openness and I am here with you as we navigate this journey together.

    Meredith Moore recently posted…Boosting Motivation with Live Training, Social Media, and a Car Adventure…My Profile

    1. Hi Meredith,

      Thank you for your thoughtful comment! Balancing dreams and relationships is indeed a challenge, and it’s comforting to know we’re not alone in this journey. Your support means a lot!

  3. I was recently listening to a podcast with Neal Brennan where he was talking about stopping putting energy into relationships where the other person wasn’t putting in the same energy he was, but also understanding when people give up on friendship with him because he wasn’t putting the same energy as they were. It can be tough, but it was basically just understanding that people we like are sometimes in different places in life, and it’s okay to not feel like you have to keep working at something that just isn’t there, or at least not at this moment. Like you said, there’s nothing wrong with surrounding yourself with individuals who uplift and inspire us. And it’s ok when we aren’t that for other people.

  4. I’m so sorry to hear about the tough time you’re going through. It’s clear how much you value your friendships, and it’s brave of you to share this journey. Balancing work and personal life is never easy, and you’re making strong choices for your future. Keep pushing forward, and remember, true friends will understand your path and support you. You’ve got this!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words and support, Sarah! Balancing everything is indeed a challenge, and while not everyone in my circle agrees with my journey, I’ve found great comfort and inspiration in connecting with new people who share my goals and aspirations.

  5. Committed! I’m so sorry you lost a friend. Sometimes, when we change, the people around us want us to stay the same. You’re right, though. You will meet friends who want to encourage your hopes and tell you to chase your dreams even if it means you don’t spend as much time together right now. My heart goes out to you. I know you will see your business take shape as the year continues. Look at all you’ve done so far!
    Best wishes!
    Nakina Lawson recently posted…What Does Cooking Have to Do With Affiliate Marketing?My Profile

  6. Hi Alison,
    Reading your blog entry brought back a lot of memories. Many of which were for lost friendships like you just mentioned.
    Friendships can be fluid. Some sway like the waves of the ocean and some never reach the shore. (That’s a quote a mentor once gave me).
    What he meant by that was that some people are in your life for a specific reason AND for a specific period of time. That’s life.
    I truly believe that you’re on a road that not many want to take: one that will bring you personal fulfillment and joy. Those who will have stayed by your side will be able to see how you’ve grown and become a better person – both for yourself and the relationships you have with others.
    Stay strong and continue, I can’t wait to see you smile with success!

  7. Committed! Alison, I’m sure you have heard this many times, but it is still a good quote “The comfort of having a friend may be taken away, but not that of having had one.” You can always know that those of us in AS and Skool are here to support you throughout journey and will do so in anyway we can. As Marc said Can’t wait to see you smile with Success! Keep moving forward!
    Ken McGarvey recently posted…Iceberg Effect: The Hidden Truth About Online IncomeMy Profile

  8. I had a friend whom I had a falling out with; then when I heard he was in town – I would have missed him if I worked that night. I deemed the friendship more important and I had to quit my job on the spot. Had I worked that night, I firmly believe I would have never ended up being his best man and I would have never known the Canada Day parties in Lompico California where he lives now with his Wife – a true Califonia girl. I’d do it again.

    Hard decisions do need to be made and commitments need to be met. But if the opportunity for making amends with your friend pops up, I’d take it. After all, isn’t this part of why you make sacrifices now…to be able to freely pay attention to those needing that attention. My thoughts.
    Robert Klein recently posted…Time To Turn Your Passion Into A Business Online?My Profile

  9. HI Alison – This was such an unbelievably well written and heartfelt post. I ach for you knowing that the relationship between you and your friend has been strained by her decision to put a stop to it or at least halt the friendship for a time being. Getting to know you over the last months and months I have gone grown to respect you as a business operator, a mentor/teacher and now a friend. I will not be able to replace the friendship that has been strained nor would I even try, but I am here from afar for whatever you need and as long as it’s within my abilities. You had a great line, scratch that, it’s more than a line it is reality when you said, “surround yourself with individuals who uplift and inspire you, who celebrate your victories and understand your journey”. Please know that you have so many in your corner and we are excited to see your success!

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