Join the Journey: From Rookie to Riches – Will I Prove the Doubters Wrong?


I’m Alison Blaire, and I’m thrilled to have you here with me as I embark on my journey from Rookie to Riches.

My goal is to quit my 9 to 5  job, make a full-time income online, and have the gift of time to make my dream life come true, and I am going to share the entire journey with you, here, on my blog!

Life is hard…it’s a shit show sometimes, trying to figure out how to pay the bills. Figuring out how to fund that much-needed vacation, working countless hours, commuting in traffic, trying to save for a house, and retirement.  It can be a bit overwhelming.

There are moments when it feels like you’re on a treadmill, exerting effort but not gaining ground.

So you do your best to be appreciative of the things you have, make the best of it, and keep trudging forward. And just when you think, this isn’t so bad, life happens.

Just yesterday I walked outside, ready to have a fun day off, heading to the farmers market. Walking towards the car, there was a pile of glass on the floor. Yayyy, the window of my car was smashed. It took a lot of strength to shift my mindset and not let it ruin my one day off, but a part of me just wanted to crawl up into a ball and cry.

I live in San Francisco, and unfortunately, getting your window smashed is a frequent occurrence. This is the 4th time this year this has happened and I have to say every time it does, it is devastating. 

Not only was the smallest, most expensive window smashed they took my prescription sun glasses, which of course, is just a material object, but an insanely expensive one to have to replace.

So now I am out about $1000.00, and the day just began.

Just when I was excited to pay off my credit card balance this month, the money is now going to pay for this window.

And I will have to go without replacing the prescription glasses for a few months because that is how long it will take to save up to replace those.

It’s days like these you start to question the world, and it feels like people suck, and it’s easy to fall into a downward spiral. Sometimes it gets so bad you get into that why bother state thinking, how can I ever get ahead?

Thankfully I didn’t stay in this headspace too long. I have been working on my mindset and the power of positive thinking and I know that this little obstacle in my way is not going to deter me. 

So, I taped a plastic bag over the window, cleaned out the glass, and went on about my day.  

It’s days like these, which there are a lot of that make me so dedicated to finding financial freedom.

Because let’s face it If I had a bunch of extra money in the bank, the sinking pit in my chest right now, the worry of how I am going to pay for this and what will be sacrificed, wouldn’t be there. 

This is why more than ever, I am dedicated to putting it all in and turning this side hustle into a full-time income. I want to be making so much money that I don’t have to worry about a smashed window, A ridiculous bill for that MRI I needed. I want enough money to pay for those stem cell shots that I need for my torn shoulder labrum and the osteoarthritis in my hip. I don’t want to worry about do I have enough for rent this month. Let alone, will I ever have enough for a family or to retire. 

Life is expensive, and with inflation, the cost of everything has skyrocketed. 

I went to buy eggs at the corner store yesterday and I almost had a heart attack when the clerk said, “That will be $13.45.” 

WHAT !!!! $13.45 for pasteurized eggs? This is crazy.

I don’t want to have to worry about these things. I want to be able to afford pasteurized eggs, organic food, vitamins and doctor bills.

I don’t want to be out for dinner and drinks with friends worrying about whether I can afford this.

I want to have a family, buy a house, be able to send them to college and pay for their wedding. 

I want to go on yoga retreats and nice vacations.

I am working so much in this endless loop, feeling like I am treading water going nowhere, drowning in student loan debt, and working so hard that I feel tired all the time.  I desperately need a vacation, and working OT to save for a brief vacation isn’t cutting it. 

I want to enjoy life, having time to spend with those I love and doing stuff I love to do. 

I feel like I am in constant need of a vacation from my life. And who wants to live a life you need a constant vacation from? Life should be enjoyable, and you should love what you do. 

And I have to say I would much rather be spending my days traveling from friends’ and families’ houses spending time with them, and from my computer creating blog posts and content and email marketing. Figuring out my next ad, and learning as much as I can to continue developing skill sets that will keep me earning income on my own schedule. 

I am over being chained to a desk and not drinking any water all day so I don’t have to pee, so my KPIs and metrics will be satisfactory. 

So what am I doing to change my current situation? What is it that I am dedicating all my spare time and money to? Affiliate marketing! 

I have joined Dean Holland’s Internet Profits Accelerator Program and I am dedicated to following his proven plan to go from beginner with no product, experience, list, or technical know-how to making a full-time income online.

Yup, affiliate marketing,  it’s a legit business, and tons of people are making real money doing it! 


Here I am finishing up my certification with Internet Profits Accelerator, a program created by Dean Holland. 

I am taking a chance and investing in this opportunity. 

Everyone thinks I am crazy and should be using this money to pay bills and get groceries, but the biggest wins have risk involved and I am willing to risk it all for my dream life.

I’m betting on myself and investing everything I can in the hope that my time and commitment will pay off. Can I follow a proven plan and go from Rookie to Riches? That’s what I’m determined to find out.

Investing in yourself pays the best interest! Don’t believe me, here is a clip from my mentor Dean: 


I recently read a book that mentions when Steve Jobs died, he regretted working so hard, and not spending time with the people he loved. So many people on their deathbeds have this realization. 

No one on their deathbed says they wished they worked harder, or took on more overtime. 

I don’t want to be one of those people who are on their deathbeds wishing they went big and fought for their dreams. 

I am going to give it all I got and put in the work.

So what do you think, think I am going to make it from rookie to riches? Think I have what it takes?

Only time will tell, but I have to say that I am no longer putting things off. I want the reward of creating a family and providing them with a wonderful life.

I am not going to be one of those people on my deathbed thinking back to my life and only playing memories of me working, saying to myself I wish I didn’t put everything off. 

Because I do it all the time. I say to myself, once you are in a good financial situation, you can have that family you always dreamed of and watch your children grow up.  

I want that family now. I want to have the time to play dress up and have tea parties, help my kids with their homework, have the time to cook nutritious meals, and have the money to pay for good ingredients and give them a great life, full of team sports, adventures, and memories or us laughing our butts off playing board games.

In order to make this dream a reality, I need to break free from the 9 to 5. I need to tap into an income stream that is not finite and dependent on how many hours I work. 

I must take action to change and create the life of dreams, and to make this happen, my commitment and discipline must be unwavering and I need to put in the consistent work. 

So here I am starting my journey, and I have chosen a mentor that has been in my exact shoes.

Dean Holland is my mentor and I am so grateful to be going on this journey with him. He is living proof that it’s possible to use affiliate marketing to make the dreams of financial freedom a reality. 

He created a new platform Affiliate Solutions and he is actually going through the entire process with us. 

He is teaching us his proven plan. How he quit his 9 to 5 and made millions online, and he has the double common awards to prove it! 

He didn’t have a proven plan back then, and his trials and tribulations got him into $60,000 of debt trying to crack the code of this affiliate marketing business.

But thankfully, he kept at it. He has been doing it for over a decade, and his failures and struggles are lessons learned, and he is willing to mentor me, and help others like me make their dreams into a reality.

So are you with me?

Are you ready to go from rookie to riches following Dean Holland’s proven plan?

If you are, then comment below: I am in and I am dedicated to giving it my all every day in 2024!!!

I am here to cheer you on and help you along your journey. I am going to share every assignment, every lesson learned, and every WTF moment, and I hope you do too! 

There are strengths in numbers, so let’s hold each other accountable. Feel free to contact me here if you have any questions using the contact form or DM me. You can find me on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.   

From Rookie to Riches! Let’s Ride!!!!!

Alison Blaire 





6 Responses

  1. Thank you Alison. I love your website! Your design is really awesome and colorful 💯😎! Your content is great also. I’m impressed by your ability to deliver emotions; I can easily resonate with you. I’m ready to climb in your car! Please pursue you good work and drive us to success!😀

    1. Hi Martin! Thank you so much, I am so glad you like my aesthetics, I am a huge Simpsons fan so was really excited to share this with the world. Look forward to having you in my car as we take this ride from rookie to riches together!!!!

  2. Alison, There is so much emotion in your post, and I can relate to most of it myself. Life has a way of throwing us those curve balls right at the moment where we think we can get ahead. Your drive and determination coupled with Dean Holland’s program, will bring you that success that you are looking for!
    I have never been a part of a program where the people were so willing and driven to see you reach your goals and to help you get there anyway they can. I look forward to following your Journey!

    1. Thank you David, I am so excited that you are on this journey with me! May 2024 be full of success, and you are 100% our determination coupled with Dean Holland’s program we are on the right path!!!!

  3. Wow Alison, the imagery on your blog and blog posts are astounding!

    As you know, I have had short little trips into San Francisco and so sorry to hear of your vehicle woes. And I’m so glad you’ve been working on your mindset to get you through this.

    You obviously know to focus on the lessons, the gifts, and the wins.

    As you say, give it all you got and put in the work as an investment in you.

    I for one am ready to go from rookie to riches with you following Dean Holland’s proven plan.

    I’m currently reading a book on improving my nutrition and a lot of the mindset parallels working towards making money online. And they say, “Winners Embrace accountability”.

    1. Hi Robert, I am so glad we are on this journey together, with Dean as our mentor! I have transformed my diet and have been able to reverse my fatty liver disease, if you need any help, accountability or nutrition please reach out, support system and accountability are key and I am here to help and support you along your journey!

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